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Public Notices

Administrative Procedures Act, ACA 25-15-201 et. seq., requires the State Aid City Street Committee to file with the Secretary of State and other governmental agencies, a copy of any proposed rules. The Rules pertain to the organization of the Committee, how Committee meetings will be conducted, procedures for future rule-making by the Committee, emergency rule-making authority and the use of declaratory orders by the Committee. The full proposed model Rules may be found online at the Arkansas Secretary of State website or a copy may be obtained from the State Aid City Street Committee, P.O. Box 38, North Little Rock, AR 72115-0038.

Interested persons may present their view concerning the adoption of the proposed model Rules of Procedure by writing the State Aid City Street Committee at the above address by no later than 5:00 p.m., of the ending date for comments for the proposed Rule.

Below is a list of substantive Rules the Street Committee is currently proposing and has adopted. 

Ask your mayor to submit a request to the street committee

What are the procedures for submitting a request?