The State Aid City Street program was created by Act 982 of 1975 and was funded with Federal Revenue Sharing Funds until 1981, at which time the revenue sharing program was eliminated. Act 1032 of 2011 amended Arkansas code by establishing the State Aid City Street Program to be administered by a State Aid City Street Committee, whose responsibilities would include determining which projects receive funding through the program.
On November 6, 2012, Arkansas voters approved Issue #1, a constitutional amendment, which temporarily increased the state sales tax to fund surface transportation improvements and permanently dedicated one cent per gallon of the existing motor fuel tax to the State Aid City Street Fund.
State laws for the State Aid City Street Program including the requirements for the State Aid City Street Committee are under Arkansas Code Title 27, Chapter 72, Subchapters 3 and 4 et seq.
For additional information including Arkansas Code Title 27, Chapter 72, Subchapters 3, download the Procedures for Development of State Aid Construction Projects for Cities book.