State Aid City Streets means the classification of municipal streets composing the major and minor arterial and collector routes feeding into local trade areas or into the state highway system that are not designated as state highways.
The State Aid City Street System includes those routes that have the following characteristics:
(i) Are particularly essential to the conservation and development of economic and social value;
(ii) Encourage desirable land utilization; and
(iii) Have in addition one (1) or more of the following characteristics:
(a) Extend to communities within and beyond the municipality;
(b) Connect with roads of major importance to municipalities or to counties;
(c) Connect with state highways to form a complete network of main feeder roads;
(d) Carry heavy volumes of traffic serving major business interests of the municipality; or
(e) Collect traffic at reasonable intervals from several local streets.
(f) State Aid City Streets shall include bridges and ferries on the street system.
The Committee has expanded the scope of the program to allow more municipalities to receive projects. Streets that consist of loops, end in a cul-de-sac, or terminate at a public or commercial facility will not be considered “dead ends” and are eligible for funding. Also, streets with widths less than 18 feet are eligible for consideration for overlay projects if there are no other suitable projects available to a municipality and the mayor submits a design exception request with the initial application.